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Fractal exam findings II | Blog - Atomica Informatics


The scope and diversity of clinical content in the physical examination domain is huge and complex, with different clinicians requiring different levels of detail. We have developed a base pattern for recording physical examination findings, knowing that the concept-specific detail within each model will need be added as backwardly compatible revisions of these archetypes. In this way they will evolve in an organic way to suit clinical requirements, but within a tightly governed environment.

Fractal exam findings I | Blog - Atomica Informatics


The extremely complex nature of the clinician's physical examination is an obvious benchmark test for the capability of any modelling paradigm. If you can't model the clinical requirement for something as fundamental, yet frustratingly diverse as physical examination, then you need to go back to the drawing board until it works. This post outlines our journey...

Archetype patterns | Blog - Atomica Informatics


Through trial and error and implementation and iteration, we are starting to identify pragmatic and sensible patterns that will fast track future archetype development, but there is no denying that it has been a long and slow process to get to this point…

The challenge for FHIR: meeting real world clinician requirements | Blog - Atomica Informatics


With the increasing burden of technical engagement resulting from the incredible expectations generated by FHIR globally, perhaps the clinical content specification should be outsourced to... the clinicians first of all, ensuring that the clinical content can be represented in a technical format for implementation.

EHR building blocks | Blog - Atomica Informatics


For many years I have borrowed an analogy using Lego building blocks rather than the notion of generic 'shapes' - that if we get the foundation building blocks agreed and fit for use in our EHRs (ie clinical archetypes), then they can be re-used in multiple contexts and combined in any permutation or combination to represent the clinical documentation that we need.

openEHR & FHIR | Blog - Atomica Informatics


Our challenge: Common clinical content between implementations is potentially a game changer for healthIT interoperability!

is openEHR hard? | Musings of a confused technology addict.


Necessary clarification: Please note that the term implementation in the text below refers to development of a software platform based on openEHR. I realised that the term is overloaded in the health IT space, implying adoption of a standard sometimes. That is not what I mean by ‘implementation’. Recently, I found myself in more than …

The semantic web that never was. Will it be the same for smart healthcare IT? | Musings of a confused technology addict.


I attended another Data Science London meeting last week. As usual, it was a good one. Speakers talked about their experience with twitter feeds that includes foursquare check-ins and scraping data from web sites. Scraping is basically extracting information from the web pages, in a way simulating a human’s use of the web site to …

Pulse evolves into SDC Cloud Connect, and becomes even cooler | Musings of a confused technology addict.


I am a big admirer of Eclipse. It is an incredibly ambitious piece of work. It tackles the problem of creating a platform for software tooling, a platform that can generalize features of most IDEs, report tools, scientific software and even regular desktop applications. Not everybody agrees with me of course, when it comes to …

Open source in healthcare IT: being realistic about it | Musings of a confused technology addict.


Dear reader, as you can see, the title begs the question: “are not we realistic about it?”. The answer, in my humble opinion, is no and this is a major issue. I just wanted to express a few things I’ve had for some time in my mind about open source software  in written form so …